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Top 23 tips for guaranteed more pull-ups.

Die 8 wichtigsten Vorteile des Handstands - warum du ihn täglich machen solltest

Top 8 Handstand Benefits – Why You Should Do Them Daily

The handstand is a very advanced exercise especially performed by gymnasts and Calisthenics athletes. We show you the top 8 benefits of handstands and why you should do them daily!
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Pike Push Up - Wie man einen Pike Push-Up richtig macht

Pike Push Up - How To Do A Pike Push-Up Properly

Pike push-ups is a great workout to improve upper body strength and core stability. We show you how to do it and what benefits they bring.
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Die 10 besten Tipps für Klimmzüge an Ringen und wie man sie ausführt

Top 10 Tips For Ring Pull-Ups and How To Do Them

For those that are looking for a new variation or progression of the pull-up exercise: We show you top 10 tips for Ring Pull-Ups and how to do them.
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Beste Calisthenics-Starterausrüstung

Best Calisthenics Starter Equipment

Not sure what equipment you need to start calisthenics? Over the years, I’ve tested different equipment, brands and even DIY’d my own to figure out what calisthenics equipment is worth your time an...
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Das beste Klimmzugstange Zubehör zur Verbesserung deines Klimmzugtrainings

The 11 Best Pull-Up Equipment To Improve Your Pull-Up Workout

In this article we will show you the 11 best Pull-Up Equipment Accessories to improve your Pull-Up Workout.
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Parallettes Workout - Vorteile, Variationen und Top-Übungen

Parallettes Workout – Advantages, Variations And Top Exercises

What exactly are the advantages of parallettes training? And what exercises are there for the mini-bar? In this article you will learn the advantages of Parallette training and the most popular exe...
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9 Fitness-Fehler, die jeder macht, wenn er anfängt zu trainieren

9 Fitness Mistakes Everyone Makes When They Start To Work Out

Ouch! That’s the result when people usually start working out without knowing all to well what they are doing and getting themselves into. Luckily there are blogs such as these to help guide you in...
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Reise Klimmzugstange - Wie man auf Reisen Klimmzüge macht

Travel pull-up bar - How to do pull-ups while travelling

This article shows you the best portable exercise equipment which allow you to do your workout at any park or beach or even in your hotel room.
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Top 10 Übungen für das Bauchmuskeltraining mit dem Widerstandsband

Top 10 Resistance Band Ab Workout Exercises

In this article we will show you the benefits of training abdominal muscles and top 10 resistance band ab workout exercises.
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