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Top 23 tips for guaranteed more pull-ups.

Bar Brothers Interview - Sharing Their Top 3 Tips For Beginners

Bar Brothers Interview - Sharing Their Top 3 Tips For Beginners

We interviewed the Barbrothers about their top 3 tips for Calisthenics beginners and many more interesting questions. Read more now!
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Interview With Andrea Larosa - "How I Built This Amazing Physique"

Interview With Andrea Larosa - "How I Built This Amazing Physique"

Andrea Larosa is a well know Calisthenics athlete. In our interview we answers some interesting questions and the secrets how he built his amazing physique.
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Top 5 Widerstandsbandübungen an der Pullup & Dip Bar

Top 5 resistance bands exercises on the Pullup & Dip bar

Premium resistance bands are ideal if you like to bring your workout with you while you're traveling, if you need support to train different exercises, or if you exercise at home. Not only are they...
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Was du wissen musst, bevor du mit Calisthenics-Training anfängst

What You Must Know Before Getting Started With Calisthenics Training

Considered by many to be one of the most flexible training methods available, bodyweight training or calisthenics is something everyone should include during their training workouts. This is especi...
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Die Calisthenics-Ausrüstung, die du am Anfang brauchst

The Calisthenics equipment you’ll need in the beginning

Starting out with calisthenics training can be daunting at first. Many beginners tend to have the impression that it only involves one’s body and no equipment at all. This may not necessarily be th...
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Warum Profisportler Calisthenics in ihr Training einbauen sollten

Why professional athletes should incorporate Calisthenics into their workout

Sport and exercise have changed rapidly over the past decades as new fitness styles and disciplines have been studied and applied. While calisthenics is one of the oldest forms of exercise it is st...
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Ring Dips - Wie man sie macht und die besten Tipps

Ring Dips - How To Do Them And The Top Tips

This article discusses ring-dips and how to execute them properly. Throughout this article we will be discussing several aspects of ring-dips such as the muscles activated by doing ring-dips, the b...
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Die 10 besten Calisthenics-Übungen für deinen Bizeps

The 10 Best Calisthenics Exercises For Your Biceps

This article will help you to achieve your goal of increasing the size and definition of your “guns”.
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Calisthenics Training: Die Fehler und Tipps

Calisthenics Training: The Do’s and The Don'ts

Let’s talk calisthenics! Calis what? Yes, Calisthenics! Although many people have practiced it for ages, some are still unfamiliar with the word. Calisthenics simply refers to any and all training ...
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