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Top 23 tips for guaranteed more pull-ups.

Calisthenics Training: Die Fehler und Tipps

Calisthenics Training: The Do’s and The Don'ts

Let’s talk calisthenics! Calis what? Yes, Calisthenics! Although many people have practiced it for ages, some are still unfamiliar with the word. Calisthenics simply refers to any and all training ...
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Dips Training - Die richtige Ausführung und Standortmöglichkeiten

Dips Training - The Correct Execution And Location Possibilities

But what does the optimal execution of dips actually look like? And what possibilities are there besides the dip bar in the studio to do a dip workout? You can get the answers to these questions fr...
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Straight Bar Dips - Wie man einen Straight Bar Dip richtig ausführt

Straight Bar Dips – How to do a Straight Bar Dip Properly

In this article we will show you the benefits of straigtht bar dips and how to do them properly.
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Dips Muskeln - Muskeln, die mit Dips trainiert werden und warum du sie ausführen solltest

Dips Muscles - Muscles Trained With Dips And Why You Should Be Doing Them

Depending on the type of training you are doing, dips are one of the exercises that can often be easily forgotten, but are a great addition to your chest, shoulders and arm day workouts. Whether yo...
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Trizeps-Workout zu Hause ohne Geräte

Triceps Workout at Home without Equipment

A triceps workout at home without equipment is a great workout to have in your wheelhouse. As many of us learned during the pandemic of 2020, having some solid home workouts is a good thing to have...
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Wie man Widerstandsbänder für Calisthenics verwendet

How To Use Resistance Bands For Calisthenics

Resistance bands are a type of calisthenics equipment that can be used for many different purposes which you can read in this article
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Die 8 wichtigsten Vorteile des Handstands - warum du ihn täglich machen solltest

Top 8 Handstand Benefits – Why You Should Do Them Daily

The handstand is a very advanced exercise especially performed by gymnasts and Calisthenics athletes. We show you the top 8 benefits of handstands and why you should do them daily!
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Pike Push Up - Wie man einen Pike Push-Up richtig macht

Pike Push Up - How To Do A Pike Push-Up Properly

Pike push-ups is a great workout to improve upper body strength and core stability. We show you how to do it and what benefits they bring.
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Die 10 besten Tipps für Klimmzüge an Ringen und wie man sie ausführt

Top 10 Tips For Ring Pull-Ups and How To Do Them

For those that are looking for a new variation or progression of the pull-up exercise: We show you top 10 tips for Ring Pull-Ups and how to do them.
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