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Top 23 tips for guaranteed more pull-ups.

Der erste Klimmzug - Top 7 Tipps, wie du ihn endlich schaffst

First Pull-Up – Top 7 Tips How To Finally Achieve It

If you’re a beginner in body weight training or calisthenics, completing your first pull-up might seem like a daunting task. In this article, we’ll give you 7 of our best tips to improve both sides...
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Travel Workout - Wie du auf Reisen nur mit deinem Körpergewicht fit bleibst

Travel Workout – How To Stay Fit Only With Your Bodyweight When Traveling

In this article, we present you top 12 Calisthenics travel exercises without equipment, recommendations what you should eat during traveling and some more travel tips!
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Wie du deinen ersten einarmigen Klimmzug machst

How to do your first one arm pull-up

Ahh... one-arm-pull-ups one of the hardest and most impressive moves in the calisthenics community. The sad thing is, that most of the people are not even able to perform 1 one-arm-pull-up with the...
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Mehr Klimmzüge - Die 5 besten unterstützenden Übungen

More Pull-ups - Top 5 Assisting Exercises

Doing pull-ups can be challenging and exciting in the beginning but you may need to switch things up along the way, especially if you are looking to challenge yourself more. In other cases, you may...
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Die 15 besten Übungen für das Beinmuskeltraining mit Fitnessbändern

Top 15 Leg Band Workout Exercises

In this article we show you the top 15 leg band exercises for your workout and how you can build up your legs and glutes only with bands and your bodyweight.
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Die 10 wichtigsten Vorteile von Liegestützen

The Top 10 Benefits Of Doing Push-Ups

In this article we explain you the top 10 benefits of doing push-ups and much more.
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Training mit der Gymnastikmatte - Alle Vorteile und die 10 besten Übungen

Training with The Exercise Mat - All Benefits and The 10 Best Exercises

Not all exercise mats are created equal. Each type of exercise mat fundamentally differs in processing, especially in terms of the choice of material as well as its thickness. At Pullup & Dip, we h...
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Die 7 besten Körpergewichts-Übungen, um deine Gesäßmuskeln zu trainieren

Best 7 bodyweight exercises to train your glutes

Don't rely on squats alone to get a perfect butt. Try these seven effective bodyweight exercises to train your glutes and get a nice butt.
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Die 15 besten Trainingsgeräte für zu Hause, die du für dein Training brauchst

The Top 15 Home Workout Equipment You Need For Your Training

Wanna do your bodyweight workout at home? In this article we show you the 15 best home gym equipment pieces to invest in. Read more! 
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